: Every care has been taken in writing this information and procedures, but no responsibility can be excepted for errors, omissions or misuse of this information and procedures. The information available on this site is for your instruction only and cannot be copied for sale, © copyright 2020 UMR Engines www.engineproblem.com.au
Pre maturely worn out bearings can be the result of dirty or diluted engine oil.
When unsure and a cause must be established, take a sample of the used oil from the engine in a clean glass container and have it analysed. The result of the oil analysis will give definite answers to the cause of the failure. ( Eg high % of coolant, fuel, carbon, metal, silicon or foreign material )
Faulty workmanship can be the cause. If the failure happens within a reasonably short time after a rebuild several inspection will be vital to determine the exact cause.
Check con-rod tunnel size, crank pin size, bearing part number and size, bearing location.
Oil starvation in some engines can occur as the upper main shells can be interchanged with the lower shells causing oil starvation to the corresponding big end bearings. Crank finish, dry assemble or dry initial start are other common causes.
Close examination of bearing wear patterns will indicates what component is at fault. Eg. An offset wear pattern on the upper and lower shells would indicate a bent con-rod as the cause. Fine lines and scratches the length of the bearings indicate the introduction of abrasive material. Worn high spots on the bearing face and corresponding marks on the back indicate dirty assembly. Insufficient crush is evident by the polished areas on the back of the bearing.
: Every care has been taken in writing this information and procedures, but no responsibility can be excepted for errors, omissions or misuse of this information and procedures. The information available on this site is for your instruction only and cannot be copied for sale, © copyright 2020 UMR Engines www.engineproblem.com.au